• Clemens Pflanz speaking about "Transformation of Strategic Brand Building in China"

  • Prof. Jane Wang (CEIBS), Clemens Pflanz (MEISTERKREIS), Vivian Cai (Ymatou), Bruno Lannes (Bain&Company Greater China)

  • Dr. Snow Zhou (President CEIBS), Bruno Lannes (Bain&Company), Clemens Pflanz (Meisterkreis), Prof. Dominique de Villepin (Former Prime Minister France) Zhou Haiying (Deputy Mayor Jing'an), Lin Xiaojue ( Director General Jing'an District), Irene Tang (CEO Fulishe), Fay Nanyin (CEIBS)

  • China Europe International Business School

May 24, 2019, Shanghai. In cooperation with CEIBS Shanghai (China Europe International Business School) MEISTERKREIS has organized the 11th Prestige Brands Forum. The overarching theme "The Chinese Market and Companies in Transformation: Building Brands by Embracing the Trends" this year was discussed by scientists, entrepreneurs and politicians. Among them, Prof. Dominique de Villepin former Prime Minister of France, Mr. Zhou Haiying, Mayor of the Jing'an District and Dr. Snow Zhou, President of CEIBS.